Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i like~~~~~pie~~~~~

finally ian has come back to make u laugh
this blog rules
ok ok ok ok
stop all the crap
now the fun begin
lets tok what ian likes to tok about
lets tok about ~~~~~~how to make a baby cry

let me tell u sumthing
it happen on the my cousin wedding
i was minding my own business
when suddenly..........................................
my cousin daugther came up to me and say uncle
i told her to say again
and she say uncle
i call her stupid
then she cry
ala i said
i tell her to say again "again"
she say uncle

so stupid haih

after that i went down stair and tell to stop crying
she wont stop
then i cheer her up

on my hand there's a piece of pie
so i ask her do u like pie
she say wats is pie
dame y i got this stupid ppl wth me wan
hahahahaha dame fed up

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