Monday, May 18, 2009

isnt wrong to be nice

mmm isnt it good when ppl say hi to u,remember yr bday, asking how ur day, calling u out for a drink.
so is good to be nice to ppl, but sum how not all ppl want to be treated the same as how nice u treat other like ur mother

i reli m confuse...i was toking to a fren then another fren pops out in msn
so i was jus wanna say hi, then after i got scolding i ponder iam ur fren but she say it is ok to be ur fren juz that the way i are... of coz wat do u call me out all the time, all the while u were like...hmmm anyway im juz piss of juz being nice and ppl dun c it...

alot of ppl is so good in asking
lucky im not that person

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